Two meetings per month
Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.
Usually responds in about 1 day
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I have a strong expertise in identifying high potential projects, setting up and executing business plans, financial modeling, training and connecting SMEs with investors or financial partners in francophone Africa. I have more than 10 years of experience in business management, support and strategic export consulting to the private sector with several institutions in West Africa including the International Trade Centre.
Co-founder of the Inawa Institute for Economic and Social Sciences Research. Since 2020, I have been working on market and feasibility studies for projects and SMEs as a research analyst and director of finance and operations. In addition, I am a co-owner and operations manager of Noopo a technology and apps development startup with partners like the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, GIZ, the main German development agency.
Currently, I am the co-founder and principal of Cent90 a hub which provides value-added services (consulting, training, support, collaboration and networking) for the sustainable growth of innovation and technology-driven startups.
Asides, I am the brand champion of International Trade Centre in Benin for e-commerce promotion.
I consider my knowledge and experience as entrepreneur and management consultant to be worthless unless I share them with others like startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs.
I am interested to meet liked-mind young entrepreneurs with whom I could collaborate in the domain of developing of ideas and projects for myself and/or my organization.
I want to enlarge my knowledge about industries and businesses as well as network with mentees and the other colleagues – mentors.