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Faith Adekunle

Faith Adekunle

Senior software engineer at Distrobird
Ibadan, Nigeria

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for all venture stages.
Accepting requests from:

Four meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


Seven years ago, I was fortunate enough to receive free classroom mentorship for six months. This experience proved to be a turning point in my career, providing me with the essential tools and knowledge to build a strong foundation. The mentorship I received was more than just technical instruction; it was a guiding light that helped me navigate the challenges and complexities the software development and sharpen my problem solving skills.

Today, as a seasoned software developer specializing in Ruby on Rails, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunities I’ve been given. It is my belief that everyone deserves the same kind of support and mentorship that I received. That’s why I am passionate about giving back to the coding community by mentoring junior to mid-level developers.

I am particularly interested in working with individuals who are learning to code and build web applications, regardless of their programming language of choice. Whether just starting out or looking to enhance skills, I am committed to providing guidance and resources needed for success.

Mentor type

Spoken languages



Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up

As someone who has experienced mentorship in one form or another at various stages of my career and seeing the impact it makes, it is my belief that everyone deserves the same kind of support and mentorship that I have received. There’s no need to go through challenges that have been conquered by people in the past when you can just learn from their experiences and speed up your own journey.