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Franklin Pieterse

Franklin Pieterse

Business Coach at Terbigen
Cape Town, South Africa

Mentorship Connection

$450 /month
This connection is free for Idea/concept and startup venture stages.

Two meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


Hello, I am Franklin Pieterse an experienced business coach using the reinvention framework to help entrepreneurs and business leaders to find their growth path. I love learning. As an entrepreneur myself, I understand what it takes to create a new business from little. I further understand the self doubt that many founders experience as the challenges often feel bigger than the opportunity. I love working with new business owner-managers as well as second career entrepreneurs. I have seen how many technical and business experts struggle with the transition from employee to entrepreneur. I am looking forward to be your sounding board and mirror, as I know you have the answered within you. Yes I bring all my diverse and rich experience to the process and will be able to support and guide mentees through any challenge. My superpower is to listen well and help you generate a plan of action that is meaningful and based on starting from where you at. There are more factors that will help than factors that will destroy. Let me help bring fresh perspective to your situation and unlock your growth path.

Spoken languages

Afrikaans English

Mentorship motivation

  • I am looking for new investments
  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up
  • I want to make new connections for myself and/or the organization I represent

I often find that entrepreneurs struggle to ask for strategic help. Most of the time they have closed their minds to new possibilities as the path crafted has been hard to come by. I know that I am able to unlock so much more value for new business as much as I can help identify and direct towards new sources of revenue for exiting businesses. I always learn from others as much as I generously impart my knowledge and skill. Also I’m supporting other new relationships lead to new possibilities.