Gustav Korli Adjase-Kodjo

Gustav Korli Adjase-Kodjo

Mentor at Duapa Werkspace
Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana

Mentorship Connection


Regular 1-on-1 calls per agreement with mentor

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.

Usually responds in about 4 days


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Gustav Korli Adjase-Kodjo is a Chartered Accountant & a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant’s Ghana (ICAG). I was admitted into full membership of the ICAG in October 2019.

I hold a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) from the University of Cape Coast (Ghana) and currently an MSc candidate in Development Finance at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (Ghana).

My experiences cuts across a nine (9) year role with the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce & Industry as an Accountant a later Project Officer. Subsequently, I have also been involved in facilitating trainings, mentoring and coaching of SMEs mainly in the TVET and Agribusiness space with 400 SMEs and Start-up owners coming under my direct guidance.

My major works within the development space includes as Project Lead/Member of a number of projects including with the BUSAC Fund, Ghana Skills Development Fund, Ghana TVET Voucher Project, Ghana Jobs & Skills Project, Ghana Local Economic Development Project, GESP – Production Inclusive Programme etc

Mentor type

Spoken languages

Adangme English Twi

Geographic focus

Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up

The unmatched sense of fulfillment/accomplishment in seeing mentees improve (however slow) and make valuable and sustainable impact in start-ups.