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Halima Suleiman

Halima Suleiman

Business Relationship Manager at Sterling Alternative Finance
Lagos, Nigeria

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for all venture stages.
Accepting requests from:

Regular 1-on-1 calls per agreement with mentor

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


My name is Halima Suleiman. I have a Bsc and Msc in Economics with over five(5) years working experience with the financial services sector.

I am passionate about learning and sharing my knowledge because I understand economic development is fueled through human capital resource development and I also feel no economic progress without quality human resources development.

I have expertise in professional working experience in communication, research, business development, public speaking and I also speak five (5) languages including English. I was a mentee to WIMBIZ, WISCAR, GAIA Africa and was nominated in the year 2020 as one of the the ambassadors for world literary organizations in Nigeria.

I am also a creative published fashion designer who creates at Sabsclothiers. I will love to share my knowledge.

Halima Suleiman

Mentor type

Spoken languages

English Hausa Yoruba

Geographic focus

Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up

I hope to give back to the society through knowledge sharing.