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Hansen Wang

Hansen Wang

Product Management at Vi Victa Vis AG
Zug, Switzerland

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for all venture stages.
Accepting requests from:

Three meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


I would like to help African SMEs to tap into the global market. In an ever more digital landscape, geographical restrictions no longer need to be the limiting factor to sell goods and services anywhere. Simple tools like social media or crypto for payments can be used to reach a global market place.

Specifically, here are my expertise:

– building a digital product end-to-end
– marketing via free social media channels
– building apps on Ethereum to allow global payment via ETH or stable coins
– Swiss taxes and company formation

Spoken languages

Chinese English

Geographic focus

Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up

I believe that Africa will follow a similar growth trajectory as China did in the 1990s/2000s and would like to participate in this growth via mentorship.