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Walter Kiiza

Walter Kiiza

Managing Director at KIWALD Entrepreneurs
Gulu, Uganda

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for Idea/concept and startup venture stages.

Two meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


I am interested in businesses and helping other people with big and small business ideas to grow. I am an entrepreneur with a focus on manufacturing companies and financial Institutions.
I have founded three entities. The first being PJN-Pader Journalist Network. The journalists have been able to support each other to start and grow their own business. RLWG-Rwot Lakica Womens Group. Women under RLWG have been able to get mentorship and financial support for business and Kiwald Entrepreneurs. Is the latest entity providing financial and asset financing opportunities to young entrepreneurs. We are pioneers in our business management and support skills.
I love presenting to investors, and I believe I can make a change by understanding how people do business and how they can transmit that to others.

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Mentorship motivation

  • I like to learn about industries and new businesses
  • I want to make new connections for myself and/or the organization I represent
  • I want to scout for new opportunities in engaging as an advisor or for a board seat

I like helping others connect their ventures with potential opportunities in the space by making a good presentation. I love learning about exciting industries and how they are changing our way of living lately and how it could help them grow.