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Mohamed Zayed

Mohamed Zayed

Managing Partner at IN Solutions
Cairo, Egypt

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for Idea/concept and startup venture stages.

Four meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


IT & Telecommunications Expert with 19 years’ professional experience in the industry incorporating extensive exposure to Solution/Systems Business Strategy, Marketing Plans, Design, Installation, Commissioning and Operations during different roles in my professional career.
My linked-In profile:

I had the chance throughout my career for various business exposures that built my professional background such as: 

Managing Partner – IN Engineering Solutions
Commercial Director – Go To Market – Mondia Middle East
Customer Success Manager – Mondia Software Delivery Hub
Managed Services Consultant – Ericsson Middle East
Service Delivery Manager – Ericsson Middle East

Key Skills:
Go to Market planning | Account Management | Managed Services Expertise | Technical Pre-Sales | Agile Transformation | Network Rollout | People Management | Network Operations | ASP Management | Budget Controller | Growth Hacking

Spoken languages


Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up
  • I want to make new connections for myself and/or the organization I represent
  • I want to scout for new opportunities in engaging as an advisor or for a board seat

I find my passion in contributing to new business ideas coming to live, throughout my professional experience the most business stage I enjoy is the early stage of organization formation till it reaches maturity.