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Mosi Mosquera

Mosi Mosquera

Mentora at BID Lab
Lima, Peru

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for Idea/concept and startup venture stages.

Two meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


Innovation leader and mind opener. Senior Investment Officer at IDB Lab, investing in VC funds, startups and social impact entrepreneurship. Economist, with a Master degree in Finance, and a Master degree in quality management, environment and labor health. 20+ years focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation and inclusion, leading initiatives and investments in LAC. Last year I review and talked with 100+ startups looking for investments. Also angel network director, university teacher, entrepreneur, mentor angel investor and musician.

El aprendizaje es de ambos lados en este tipo de programas: estoy interesada en agregar valor en emprendimientos, y para mí también hay un valor en estas interacciones.

Spoken languages


Mentorship motivation

  • I am looking for new investments
  • I like to learn about industries and new businesses
  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up
  • I want to make new connections for myself and/or the organization I represent
  • I want to scout for new opportunities in engaging as an advisor or for a board seat

El aprendizaje es de ambos lados en este tipo de programas: estoy interesada en agregar valor en emprendimientos, y para mí también hay un valor en estas interacciones.