Two meetings per month
Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.
Usually responds in about 2 minutes
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I am co-founder of S Corporate Advisors which is a Corporate Finance firm. My expertise includes Valuations, Financial modelling, Pitch deck development , merger & acquisitions and transactional advisor. I have 5 years mentorship experience with start up, scaling and growth businesses. I am on finance, assist with investor readiness program and strategies.
I have noticed most succesful business are the one with mentors. Because when things get tough and you have a mentor, it is easy to navigate .
Also being a mentor allows you to practice leadership by working with your mentee to offer support and direction, whilst helping them learn and evolve in the process. Supporting others and making strategic decisions are noteworthy factors in leadership, and the more you practice through mentoring, the better you’ll get
I am looking foe investment opportunities to help them to be investor ready and present them to our network of investors. Also to be the part of the ecosystems.