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Reina Flor Okori Makendengue

Reina Flor Okori Makendengue

Director at Bokobo Kids
Groningen , Netherlands

Mentorship Connection


One meeting per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.

Usually responds in about 6 days


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I’m a 4x Olympic Athlete with a strong respect and honor for Africa  our collective genesis. I believe her children afro-descendant are the world’s future.
More than 20times champion of France, European champion, top 20 in the world and flagbaerer I have gained a wealth of experience in leadership and business skills.
 After performing at the best level, a brand ambassador for fortune 500 companies, sports and health advocate I consider that Mentoring others is a duty of care. 

I have received tremendously and now my wish to hold myself accountable, to add sustainable value in building a more healthy socially responsible, inclusive and in-balance generation.

Mentoring talents and start up in Europe as been a beautiful journey. Wether in health tech or sport tech, I’m glad to take part in the movement and contribute in building bridges for the next generation in the Afro-descendant community.

Spoken languages

Dutch; Flemish English French Spanish

Mentorship motivation

  • I like to learn about industries and new businesses
  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up
  • I want to make new connections for myself and/or the organization I represent
  • I want to scout for new opportunities in engaging as an advisor or for a board seat

There is more evidence that as we move forward, sports is one of the strongest mediums capable of raising and transforming people’s consciousness spontaneously.

I truly believe that the leader of the future is a modern athlete, capable of performing peak performance with advanced personalized health support, to navigate transitions or pivotal moments with greater ease.

As a 4x Olympic athlete, I have developed a clear understanding of what are the key factors for performance. Fostering mental and physical health is crucial for performance regardless of the culture, economic situation, or gender.