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My name is Sebastian and I have a tech clothing company in Latin America and the US. I have been a University Management Professor for over the past 15 years and Mentoring MBA Students on Building Startups for the last 4 years and going. I´m an entrepreneur with experience in business development in Emerging Markets with knowledge in all areas that surround the assembly and development of a start-up and taking it further to convert it into a Small-Medium Business and expand into international markets. My assets are within the areas of digital marketing and eCommerce, finances, banking, and fintech solutions, strategic and commercialization planning, business development and international sales, production, organizational structuring, integration and culture building, logistics, and operations. I’m looking to support early-stage startup founders in their set-up phase as I believe as a mentor I can add the most value and bring solutions in a challenging environment with objectives that create opportunities and provide a new vision of growth and sustainable results.
Learning how to work with people with whom I don’t have a natural connection, demonstrating patience with those in need of guidance and support, and helping people figure out the best path forward. Mentoring is a great way to broaden our view and gain insight into what goes on in other areas that we are not familiar with. This will help in making more holistic decisions. Mentoring is also a unique opportunity to see how the world looks through someone else’s eyes. New perspectives lead to fresh ideas, and who knows where fresh ideas could lead to. There is no better way to embed knowledge than through teaching and by passing this knowledge on to other people. Finally, stepping up the pace and increasing productivity helps everyone within the organization through mentorship.