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Tigist Alemayehu

Tigist Alemayehu

Mechanization Trainer at GIZ/GFA-AMS
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for all venture stages.
Accepting requests from:

One meeting per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


I am passionate about mentoring because I believe in the power of guidance and support in shaping the future of emerging professionals. As an agricultural engineer, I have witnessed the transformative impact that knowledgeable and dedicated mentors can have on one’s career trajectory. My interest in mentoring stems from a desire to give back to the community and to contribute to the development of the next generation of engineers who will tackle the pressing challenges in agriculture.

My primary focus areas include sustainable agricultural practices, precision farming, and the integration of technology in agricultural systems. I am deeply interested in how innovative engineering solutions can enhance productivity while minimizing environmental impact. Through mentoring, I aim to share my expertise in these areas, helping mentees develop the technical skills necessary to excel in their careers.

Furthermore, I am committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the engineering field. I want to support women and underrepresented groups in agriculture, ensuring they have the resources and encouragement needed to thrive. By fostering an inclusive environment, I hope to inspire more diverse perspectives and approaches within the industry.

In addition to technical knowledge, I emphasize the importance of leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. These soft skills are crucial for professional growth and effective collaboration within multidisciplinary teams. By mentoring, I aim to help mentees build confidence, develop their professional networks, and navigate the complexities of their careers.

Mentor type

Spoken languages


Mentorship motivation

  • I want to make new connections for myself and/or the organization I represent

Networking is a vital aspect of professional growth. Mentoring enables me to build meaningful relationships with mentees, fellow mentors, and industry professionals. These connections can lead to collaborative opportunities, partnerships, and insights that benefit both my career and the organization I represent.