El Hanchoud Mohamed

El Hanchoud Mohamed

Consultant, formateur et accompagnateur des porteurs de projet
Salé, Maroc

Connexion de mentorat


Quatre réunions par mois

Discussion illimitée, courrier électronique ou texte à l'intérieur des limites.

A propos

With 19 years of enriching professional experience in the Moroccan banking sector and in customer service, I have held several positions in 2 multinational banks (Société Générale Maroc and Crédit du Maroc).

Currently, I work as an independent consultant, certified trainer and coach of project leaders in fields related to my professional and academic background. Over the years, I have acquired an in-depth understanding of the needs of companies and independent professionals. I am 43 years old, married with one daughter, originally from Chichaoua and currently living in Salé.

Langues parlées

Arabe Français Amazighe standard marocain

Motivation du mentorat

  • J'aime m'informer sur les industries et les nouvelles entreprises
  • Je veux donner en retour à l'écosystème des startups et aux entrepreneurs qui montent
  • Autres

My motivation to become a mentor is based on a deep desire to share my experience and help others develop their potential. I absolutely believe that mentoring is an opportunity to learn as much as to teach, and I’m enthusiastic about guiding entrepreneurs and project leaders through its challenges.

I also enjoy the opportunity to contribute to the success of others, and to see the positive impact my guidance has on their professional and personal journeys.