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Linah Maphanga

Linah Maphanga

CEO at GrooveTech
Pretoria, South Africa

Mentorship Connection

This connection is free for Idea/concept and startup venture stages.
Accepting requests from:

Four meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


I love impactful technology and business. I’d like to help build impactful startups and contribute to the advancement of technology and the economic development of Africa. We need to build a community of impactful founders through mentorship. New founders cannot repeat the same mistakes that we did in the past. The only way the industry can grow is through a helpful ecosystem that is there to grow and nurture the technology founders so that they can build impactful technologies and businesses. Thus, I’d like to form part of that ecosystem.

Spoken languages


Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up
  • I want to scout for new opportunities in engaging as an advisor or for a board seat

2 hours per week