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Mwila Kasonde Anamela

Mwila Kasonde Anamela

Country Sales Manager at FedEx Corporation
Lusaka, Zambia

Mentorship Connection

Accepting requests from:

One meeting per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.

Usually responds in about 5 hours


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Hello my name is Mwila and I have 10years plus experience in Sales, Business management, Business growth, Leadership development and Customer relationship management in the ICT industry, Ecommerce and Logistics. . I’m interested in Africa and as I believe this is the most exciting startup space on the continent right now.
I’m looking to support early stage startup founders and SME planning to expand as I believe mentors can add the most value then. I recently completed a business growth programme by African Management Institute and I believe the knowledge acquired will help businesses expand.

Spoken languages


Mentorship motivation

  • I like to learn about industries and new businesses
  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up
  • I want to scout for new opportunities in engaging as an advisor or for a board seat

I believe start ups have the potential to contribute greatly to the economy growth and reduce unemployment. I have had experience in dealing with start ups and I have seen some mistakes made which I would not want to see others make. Giving back through mentorship is a great contribution.