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Robert Donkor

Robert Donkor

Unido/Wacomp SME Cluster Coach at Fruveg Farms Ltd. Co. / Business Advisory Service Providers Association of Ghana (BASPAG)
Accra, Ghana

Mentorship Connection

Accepting requests from:

Four meetings per month

Unlimited chat, email, or text within boundaries.


I am a seasoned SME Cluster Coach with the UNIDO-West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WAComp), boasting over a decade of experience in facilitation and training.
Specializing in guiding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), i focus on enhancing their competitiveness and sustainability.

I am very passionate about mentoring because it offers the opportunity to share knowledge and experience, make a positive impact on others’ lives, contribute to personal and professional growth, and foster a sense of fulfillment by helping others succeed.

My interests for startups in Africa are driving innovation, business plan writing, marketing and ESG

Mentor type

Spoken languages


Mentorship motivation

  • I want to give back to the startup ecosystem and entrepreneurs coming up

In mentoring, i hope to find joy and satisfaction in helping others grow and succeed. Witnessing the progress of mentees can be deeply rewarding. I also feel compelled to give back to society after been a beneficiary to mentorship programmes by offering similar assistance to others.